Hendra Pony Club
Hendra Pony Club
Since 1959

Hendra Pony Club
Hendra Pony Club
Hendra Pony Club is a sm​all, but very active and vibrant pony club, situated within Brisbane's inner city boundaries.
Hendra Pony ​Club (HPC) has been running since 1959, helping young riders learn how to ride and care for their own horse. HPC assists and supports development of competition skill at the club and also at other club events. HPC is one of only a handful of pony clubs in Brisbane that is still able to offer agistment.
Hendra Pony Club is a foundation club for Pony Club Queensland (PCQ) and was formed in the same year PCQ was registered with Pony Club Australia. Prior to moving to its current location in Northgate, HPC was based in Ure Street, Hendra, where parents in the racing industry had ponies in personal stables for the use of their children. With the creation of a new airport runway and the Gateway Motorway, Brisbane City Council offered an old dump site for the pony club, our current site. After many years of establishing the grounds, horse agistment became feasible. As the grounds are an old tip, owned by BCC our lease stipulates the grounds must hold a good grass cover at all times. This is why agistment is limited to junior and high contributing members with the enforcement of strict rules.

Pony club aims to provide instruction in riding and horsemanship to children who own or have responsibility for a horse. Lessons at musters help teach riders not only different riding disciplines but how to look after their horse (nutrition and exercise) and gear. Over time they become better riders, meet new friends and when confident, compete at outside events.

Monthly musters including fun days and beach or trail rides are included in our calendar. Many riders attend the Zone 1 Camp, held at Boonah in the June/July school holidays every year. The Zone 1 camp has a wide range of different events for rider instruction, including cattle work, polocrosse, target challenge, etc.

Competitions and Development
Competitions and Development
HPC encourages and supports young riders to continuously develop their skills in riding, horse care and citizenship through the Pony Club Australia certification program which involves both written and practical assessment. HPC supports Zone 1 and Zone 1 clubs. Zone 1 provides schools and training for members to help with advancement of riders in official Zone 1 events and progression to Queensland State Titles. The Zone 1 Chief Instructor Panel is also extremely active in encouraging and supporting new instructors, judges and delegates.

Horse ownership is expensive, time consuming and on going. Horses do have a mind of their own, making it an unpredictable sport in which to participate. However, the reward of seeing smiles on the children's faces when they ride for the first time off lead, first canter, win a first ribbon &/or trophy is priceless.

Additional Instruction
Additional Instruction
Members may choose to organise outside instructors provide additional lessons. Various arenas can be booked at no charge (both after school on most days, on weekends or after hours).