Hendra Pony Club
Hendra Pony Club
Since 1959
HPC Agistment Regulations
HPC Agistment Regulations
The Hendra Pony Club Inc, is not an Agistment business, stable or horse boarding or horse retirement facility. Agistment is for HPC members only. The pony club's focus is for children who want to be involved in Pony Club and Pony Club run events. Junior members will have priority for agistment. Only active, qualified instructors and judges may be eligible to agist (at the discretion of the committee and only when agistment places are available).
Agistment enquiries should be directed to:
Agistment enquiries should be directed to:
Key Agistee Guidelines
Key Agistee Guidelines
NB: Key information only is presented below. All agistees/potential agistees should read fully HPC Rules, Policies and Procedures and all regulations governing agistment. Each year agistees will be required to sign an Agistment Agreement.
NB: Key information only is presented below. All agistees/potential agistees should read fully HPC Rules, Policies and Procedures and all regulations governing agistment. Each year agistees will be required to sign an Agistment Agreement.

Agistee General
Agistee General
- All agistees will be HPC members. See Membership Applications.
- All children under 16 yrs must have an adult supervisor at all times while on HPC grounds.
- Agistment is for one (1) ridden horse per active member, approved by the committee.
- Agisting members are not permitted to swap horses in and out of the grounds.
- New horses coming onto the grounds will be required to follow HPC's Horse Socialisation guidelines.
Horse Care
Horse Care
- Horses need to be attended to 365 days a year.
- Horses must be ridden or exercised (by the agisting member) at least once a week.
- All horses must maintain current certification for Hendra Virus and Strangles. Proof of vaccination is required.
- No windsuckers are permitted to agist on the grounds at any time.
- All agistees are required to worm on the same day as directed by the Grounds Officer.

Agistment Duties
Agistment Duties
- Are required to complete 20 hours ground maintenance per year per agisted horse. See Grounds Maintenance Chores.
- Will meet a weekly, allocated, manure collection (approx 5 bags - variable) as provided by the paddock manure officer.
- Will fulfil duties within a month as per a roster. Learn more.
- Will assist at HPC events - including setup, tidy up & event tasks.
Agistment Attendance
Agistment Attendance
Agistees must attend a minimum of 12 pony club orientated events (or the equivalent at other Zone 1 clubs) either by riding, judging, penciling or instructing. Events include:
- HPC Musters, Points Days, Ribbon Days, fun days, training clinics & Seminars;
- HPC Night or Day training days open to all PCQ members;
- HPC Trail or Beach rides;
- Zone 1 Camps, Schools & Competitions (competing, judging or officiating for HPC at other Zone 1 clubs, official or unofficial events);
- Certificate days (rider assessment and/or riding for our instructors at their assessment);
- HPC Working bees.

Regulations governing agistment
Regulations governing agistment
Agistee Only
Facebook Pages
Agistee Only
Facebook Pages
To ensure accurate record keeping and communication to all agistees, the following Facebook pages are used: