Hendra Pony Club
Hendra Pony Club
Since 1959

Grant Success
Grant Success
The club is grateful for grants which help us to implement small and large projects.

Qld State Government - Sport and Recreation - $68, 786
Qld State Government - Sport and Recreation - $68, 786
The amazing support provided by the Qld State Government - Sport and Recreation was nothing short of wonderful in 2022 and it continues with funds provided in 2023 via CRARRP (Community and Recreational Assets Recovery and Resilience Program) assisting clubs severely impacted to fully recover from last year's flooding. We were awarded funding ($68,786) to replace much of our internal paddock fencing that was damaged enabling us to replace our solar powered electric tape fencing with fixed posts and rails. This is a terrific outcome for our horses, members and visiting competitors and their families alike.
Brisbane City Council - $10, 036.95
Brisbane City Council - $10, 036.95
We are thrilled to have been awarded $10,036.95 from the Brisbane City Council - Lord Mayor's Better Suburbs Grant (Community Support) which will allow us to undertake internal refurbishment our toilet block (vinyl flooring, new cubicle partitioning, vanities, etc). Continual improvements to facilities, equipment and infrastructure ensures our club supports and encourages membership and volunteers. We are extremely grateful for the ongoing support of our landlord - the BCC.

Lord Mayor's Suburban Community Fund - Northgate Ward - $1, 000
Lord Mayor's Suburban Community Fund - Northgate Ward - $1, 000
Big thank you to our local Councilor for the Northgate Ward (Cr Adam Allan) for providing funds towards our Official Showjumping Day (April 3rd). These funds ($1,000) from the Lord Mayor's Suburban Community Fund - Northgate Ward will assist enormously with the running of the day and will ensure the day is not only fun for everyone but a success for the club.
Brisbane City Council - $5, 000
Brisbane City Council - $5, 000
We are very grateful for the ongoing support provided by the Brisbane City Council to all community groups including small clubs like ours. The provision of $5,000 from the Disaster Recovery Fund (following the rainbomb that hit Queensland in late February) will enable us to get up and running after our grounds were extensively flooded, so we can get back to doing what we do best (giddy up).
QLD Government, Department of Sport & Recreation - $4, 950
We need to acknowledge and thank the Queensland Government, Department of Sport & Recreation, for providing $4,950 to the Hendra Pony Club to assist us with our ongoing efforts to clean-up after the dreadful flooding event in February. These funds were awarded via the Sport & Rec Disaster Recover Grant Program (level 1). Funds will be used to repair our access road (horse floats and potholes don't generally go well together), so we are very grateful to be able to get this much needed repair work done and cannot thank the Department enough.
Queensland Government, Active Clubs - $2, 000
Queensland Government, Active Clubs - $2, 000
The Qld State Government has been so very active in providing support to clubs both in the cleanup needed following the flooding that occurred in February, and also with their Active Clubs program. We are very pleased to have been successful in obtaining $2,000 from round 2 of the Active Clubs grant program for on-field sporting equipment - which in our case will be new bending poles, SJ cups and some additional rails.
RACQ Foundation 'Severe Weather Fund' - $18, 000
RACQ Foundation 'Severe Weather Fund' - $18, 000
Our gratitude and thanks, with a big WOW - goes to the RACQ Foundation 'Severe Weather Fund' for selecting our club to receive $18,000 towards the replacement of damaged portable cross country jumps as well as two new sets. This fantastic improvement in equipment will give us a huge boost, helping us bounce back. New XC jumps will enable our members to practice XC jumping over a range of different obstacles which will improve their proficiency and safety.
QRIDA Extraordinary Disaster - $24, 483
QRIDA Extraordinary Disaster - $24, 483
More wonderful advice was received in mid 2022, we have been awarded $24,483 from QRIDA (Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority) Extraordinary Disaster Grant to assist us with our continuing flood recovery efforts. These funds will enable us to level and fill large areas of our cross-country course to stop water pooling for weeks following periods of high rainfall. We are extremely grateful to the Qld State Government for their ongoing support across all sectors and in-particular sporting clubs. These funds will enable our club to fully utilize all of the grounds for training/competitions - ensuring kids get back to being active sooner after flooding events in future.
Gambling Community Benefit Fund - $57, 995
Gambling Community Benefit Fund - $57, 995
2022 may well have been one of the worst in terms of flooding and wet weather for many years, but it certainly was also an amazing one for financial support from all levels of Government. We were awarded $57,995 from the Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF) Disaster Round (114) in October which will enable us to replace damaged fencing and to build a new feed shed, medical yard and cover for our show jumps trailer. This funding will allow us to remove the last remaining star picket and barbed wire fencing at the club (appropriate boundary fencing has been a long-term project and one that we are very thankful to finally be able to see completed).

1. Additional funding from the Brisbane City Council's COVID-19 Direct Assistance Program ($4,240.45) was successfully applied for to cover numerous operational expenses incurred by our club during 2020/21. These funds covered the cost of our insurance, utilities and mower repairs. This excellent program has ensured that we remain comfortably viable during a time of low membership as a result of the impact of COVID and we are extremely grateful.
2. We feel very lucky, and very grateful, to have been chosen as a recipient of a new Community Grant by Downer Construction Pty Ltd. Downer and Interflow were contracted by Urban Utilities (UU) to undertake major relining works to a main sewer line that runs from Nudgee (some of which is through our grounds). Downer chose our club to receive $9,000 to assist with the upgrading of our clubhouse project. These funds will ensure the clubhouse upgrade includes many items that we would otherwise have not been able to afford or would have been undertaken piecemeal over time and we cannot thank them enough.
3. Support from the Brisbane City Council for Community Groups has been amazing throughout the last 10 years, but especially during the past 2 years of the COVID Pandemic. We are extremely grateful to have been awarded a grant for $11,000 from the Lord Mayor's Better Suburbs Grant - Community Support 2021/22 program. These funds will enable us to replace very outdated signage at our main gate, purchase a new ride-on mower and a large 22,000ltr rainwater tank with irrigation equipment. Our volunteer's will make great use of the new mower and the rainwater tank will enable our arenas to be irrigated during dry periods (improving conditions for riders/horses) and we'll have a smart new look at the gate.
4. Well what a truly a lovely way to end 2021.... We have been selected for a Federal Government grant, for the Lilley Electorate (via the 2021 Local Volunteer grant program) for $3,000. Funds will be used to purchase a new wireless PA system and new gardening tools. We will now easily be able to get announcements out into the float parking area and across the arena's, and our wonderful volunteers will have ready access to new grounds maintenance equipment (aka Whipper Snippers and the like). We are extremely grateful to Anika Wells MP for her ongoing support of our little club.

2020 Grant Successes
1. Very thankful, as always, to the Queensland State Government for their support of non-for-profit groups, especially sporting clubs. The old Get-in-the-Game program was updated and rebranded for 2020 and is now known as: ACTIVATE CLUBS, and it is with great joy that we were awarded a Grant in Round 1 ($1,850) to purchase sporting equipment, which in our case is; 2 new sets of Dressage letters and additional arena spacing cubes.
2. COVID-19 Kickstart for Clubs - $2,000. As part of the Qld State Governments funding initiatives to get Queensland going again as Coronavirus pandemic restrictions are eased allowing sports to resume, we were delighted to receive advice that our application for Operational Expenses funding had been approved.
3. Brisbane City Council, Lord Mayor's COVID-19 Direct Assistance Program - $6,600. This program provides financial assistance to not-for-profit organisations impacted by COVID-19; helping them rebuild and recommence services. These funds will allow us to undertake major servicing of our arena lights and to replace the bulbs (providing us with competition grade lighting for many years to come). We are extremely grateful for the ongoing support offered by the BCC (our landlord) and are delighted to have been awarded these much needed funds.
4. We are extremely grateful to the Queensland State Government for awarding funding from their Sport and Recreation COVID Safe Restart Plan to help the sport and active recreation industry to deliver quality activities and services as a part of the Roadmap to easing restrictions and to support the return to play. A total of $15.5 was available for allocation through the Active Restart Infrastructure Recovery Fund and we are beyond thankful to have been awarded $18,410 to refurbish our sporting arena and upgrade our main arena irrigation infrastructure. These works will provide a safer riding surface for our members and competitors for many years to come and will deliver a significant boost in moral and mental health following the Coronavirus pandemic lockdown period.
5. The good news continued with a 2020 Australian Government/Volunteering Queensland grant ($2,000) being awarded for equipment in support of our volunteers. We were delighted that our application was successful as volunteers are the core of our club and a number of 'wished' for items will be purchased for them; ie; a new stove, committee room table & chairs along with various canteen items to make their job easier.
2019 Grant Successes
1. Brisbane City Council, Lord Mayor's Discretionary Fund - Northgate Ward ($1,097.80):
Contribution towards our 60th Anniversary celebrations (Formal Gymkhana July 27th). We are very excited to be celebrating our 60th this year and this significant cash donation has allowed us to purchase ribbons, canteen equipment and the birthday cake... All of which will help us ensure the day of celebration is a happy and memorable one.
2. Brisbane City Council, Lord Mayor's Discretionary Fund - Northgate Ward ($2,150): Additional funding for our 3 bay garage and container podroof. Due to unforeseen land/leasing issues our 2017 BCC Building Stronger Communities grant was sadly placed on hold. We are extremely grateful for the ongoing support of our local Councillor Adam Allen, for providing these additional funds which will enable us to proceed with construction works now that all land/leasing issues have been resolved without financial pressure on our club due to cost increases over the past 3 years.
3. Community Gambling Benefit Fund ($33,440 - clubhouse extension and canteen upgrade). Such excitement around the club at the announcement of this grant... We desperately need additional storage at the clubhouse and an upgrade to the canteen. This grant is going to be a game changer for the club and will set us up for a bright future.
2018 Grant Successes
2018 Grant Successes
1. Brisbane City Council, Lord Mayor's Discretionary Fund - Northgate Ward ($715): Electric fencing and a printer and laminator. Our local Councillor, Adam Allen, is a strong supporter of sporting and community clubs throughout the Northgate ward and we are very grateful to him for making these funds available. Event days and committee paperwork will be a breeze now that we have a MFD on hand at all times.
2. Get-Going grant success ($7,500 for show jumping equipment). The Get in the Game program (vouchers for membership, grants for equipment and grants for infrastructure) is a fabulous initiative of the Dept of NPRS&R and we are so very happy to be a part of it.
2017 Grant Successes
2017 Grant Successes
Brisbane City Council, Building Stronger Communities - $33,140: 3 bay garage, installation of pod roof (over existing feed-sheds) and footings for the sheds. We are indebted to the Council for ongoing funding at our grounds which is allowing us to rejuvenate our facilities, replace dilapidated equipment/fencing, improve Committee governance, all of which helps our continual viability and strengthens our club.
2016 Grant Successes
2016 Grant Successes
1. Brisbane City Council, Lord Mayor's Discretionary Fund - Northgate Ward ($650): Line marking machine and paint, safety bollards and witches hats. Big thank you to our local Councillor for awarding us funds to improve safety and to make life easier for our volunteers (the line marking machine is a hit).
2. Get-Going grant success ($7,500 for a show jumping trailer). The Get in the Game programme (vouchers for membership, grants for equipment and grants for infrastructure) is a fabulous initiative of the Dept of NPRS&R and we are so very happy to be a part of it.
3. Community Gambling Benefit Fund ($22,850 for a tractor mower). Caring for our grounds will be a breeze once we purchase this unit. The CGBF grants that we have been awarded over the past few years have provided us with upgrades to buildings and equipment that supports the ongoing viability of our club - we could not be more thankful.
2015 Grant Successes
2015 Grant Successes
1. Brisbane City Council for fencing. Funding of $19,900 has been granted via the Council's Community Sport Clubs, Facility Upgrade Grant Program, to replace a large section of our old dilapidated star-picket and barbed-wire Southern Cross Way boundary fence. The timing of this grant could not have been better - we will have this fence replaced with a new galvanised post and rail fence before winter (improving safety and security for our herd and motorists alike).
2. More exciting news arrived a few weeks later - we were awarded a Brisbane City Council Community Sports Club Grant ($10,439) - for Organisational Development, to enable a new Strategic Plan to be developed along with a review of our committee processes and documentation.
We are indebted to the Brisbane City Council for their ongoing support of our club, funds provided over the past few years have gone a long way towards improving our facilities.
2014 Grant Successes
2014 Grant Successes
1. Gambling Community Benefit Fund grant ($34,500 to replace the clubside feed storage sheds that are dilapidated and beyond repair). New vermin and weather proof sheds will provide hygienic and safe storage facilities for members - no more wet hay, rat infestations and mouldy tack.
2. Get-Playing grant success ($61,728 for lighting). Our grateful thanks go to the Qld State Government (Dept of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing) for funding our grant application to light up our main arena. Lights will enable after hours training {particularly during summer} and we will host clinics and competition evenings which will bring valuable revenue to the club. We are truly overwhelmed by this win and are excited about the future of our club.
3. Get-Going grant success ($9,530 for dressage arena/trailer and jump blocks). 2014 has been an outstanding year for grants for our club and being awarded this grant is the icing on the cake. We will now be able to host Combined Training and Dressage days using beautiful new PVC dressage arenas. The Get in the Game programme (vouchers for membership, grants for equipment and grants for infrastructure) is a fabulous initiative of the Dept of NPRS&R and one that we are so very happy to be part of.
2013 Grant Successes
2013 Grant Successes
1. Many thanks to the Brisbane City Council (Northgate Ward Office and the Lord Major Discretionary Fund) for providing urgently needed funds ($1,000) to enable barbed wire fencing repairs to our car parking area.
2. Get-in-the-Game grant success - we were very happy to receive notification that our grant application in the Qld State Government's - Get Going program had been successful (new electronic gymkhana timers and storage shed - $4,990). Many thanks to the Dept of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing
3. Gambling Community Benefit Fund - we are beyond grateful for funding of $23,500 to replace dangerous fencing around our club house, learners enclosure and southern boundary. The new fencing has significantly improved safety for our herd and child riders.
2012 Grant Successes
2012 Grant Successes
1. Jupiter's Casino Community Benefit Fund ($25,769). Our ancient toilets are now but a distant memory, replaced by a new transportable toilet block, complete with disability cubicle and shower. We are very grateful to the JCCBF for approving our grant application and funding this much needed improvement in facilities, and to Eco Building Services for their design, project management and building skills.
2. Cenovis "Win the Goods" promotion. Our members are extremely happy and proud to have won $5,000 as a 'best entry award' in the Cenovis Good Stuff Give-away Competition. A set of cross country jumps was purchased in early 2012 (civil works should be completed in 2013).
Below is our winning entry:
Howdy partner, ya’ll mosey over, hitch up that pony and listen to a little yarn ‘bout a “Man named Jed”, well actually a pony club called Hendra. “Let me tell you a story about a club called Hendra - full of spirit but not much cash, then one day came a 'good stuff’ give away and up from the paddock came a rousing hooray!, cheers that is for a chance to win”. OK OK…. Here at Hendra we are dedicated to providing city kids with the chance to learn horsemanship and riding skills whilst having fun out in the fresh air. We seek to help young people empower themselves to create their own future as magnificent as they dare to imagine. We need a cross country course to give our members the opportunity to practice in a discipline that is currently a challenge for them. We’ve got a posse to do the work and we’ve got the land, we just need the good stuff (cash that is) to rustle up our dream.