Hendra Pony Club
Hendra Pony Club
Since 1959

Muster Points
Muster Points
Muster points are taken at the beginning of each muster.
Points are awarded out of a total of 30 and are split up into the following three categories:
- Horse: 10pts. Clean, groomed, hooves tidy, etc.
- Rider: 10pts. Correct muster uniform, clean & tidy, being on time.
- Gear: 10pts. Clean, correctly fitting, correct saddle cloth, etc.
Riders will lose points if they are not ready and lined up by the set time for the muster to start.
Points will be deducted for being late at a rate of 5pts per 5 minutes late.
Muster points are collated to identify the member with the overall highest points for the end of year Muster trophies. A trophy is awarded for 1st, 2nd & 3rd placings.

About Musters
About Musters
Musters are club training days that aim to help educate riders and assist them in preparing for upcoming events. The club will try to cover all Pony Club disciplines throughout the year including dressage, showjumping, sporting, cross country, mounted games, target challenge and troop drill. Musters are set out by the Instructor Panel to ensure the knowledge and experience of our instructors is best utilized at musters.
Musters are generally held once a month between February & November during the year, days can change depending on instructor availability. Check out the calendar or look for updates HPC Members Facebook page.
A $5 muster fee is payable on the muster day.

Club Instructors
Club Instructors
- Terri Dillon
- Sophia Szekeres
- Gael Gant
- Tina Smith
- Lisa Hoole
- Sarah Gant
- Grant Lynham