Hendra Pony Club
Hendra Pony Club
Since 1959
General enquiries
General enquiries
HPC 2025 Committee & Club Roles
Executive Committee
Executive Committee
Other Committee Roles
Other Committee Roles
Vice President
Vice President
Chief Instructor
Troy Neale
Shelley Britton
Sophia Szekeres
Amanda Christian
David Heaton
Briar Watson
Committee Member
Committee Member
Terri Dillon
​Other club roles
​Other club roles
Agistment Coordinator
Canteen Convener
Grants Coordinator
Sun Safe Officer
Zone Delegate
Zone Delegate
Lisa Hoole
Anne-Marie Ware
David Heaton
Amanda Christian
Tina Smith
Amanda Christian
Grounds Officer (North)
Grounds Officer (South)
Manure Officer (North)
Manure Officer (South)
Vaccination Officer ( North)
Vaccination Office (South)
Sophia Szekeres
Lisa Hoole
Sophia Szekeres
Lisa Hoole
Sophia Szekeres
Lisa Hoole
Instructor Roles
Instructor Roles
NCAS Level 1 & PCQ Level C Instructor
NCAS Level 1 & PCQ Level C Instructor
Show Jump Course Builder (Gymk)
Show Jump Course Builder (Official)
Show Jump Course Builder (Gymk P)
Tina Smith
Grant Lynham
Tina Smith
Sarah Gant
Sophia Szekeres
NCAS Prelim Instructors
Gael Gant
Terri Dillon
Lisa Hoole
Sarah Gant
Sophia Szekeres
Horse Health Contacts
Horse Health Contacts
Horse health issue: Bring to the attention of an Agistment Coordinator, for action or discussion with Committee.
Please note this is just a general list. It is the responsible of the HPC member to determine the best health provider for their horse.
0408 720 843
0419 222 728
3396 9733
3289 1322
0448 954 758
0412 356 993
Other issues within HPC: Executive committee to be contacted to deal with issue. If it is not able to be dealt with by the Executive, it will be brought to the management committee, to review and resolve at the next monthly meeting.