Hendra Pony Club
Hendra Pony Club
Since 1959

Agistment Duties
Agistment Duties
Agistess are required:
- to complete 20 hours of ground maintenance per year for each agisted horse;
- meet a regular, weekly quota of bagged manure (5 bags - variable); and
- fulfill duties within a month as per a nominated roster.

Ground Maint​enance Chores
Ground Maint​enance Chores
Agistees are required to complete 20 hours of ground maintenance per year for each agisted horse. This may include chores completed from the list below or via participation in scheduled working bees to assist with larger jobs, emergency chores eg trees or fences down and preparation for/clean up of HPC events.
Please check with your grounds officer for further guidance.
Recording Maintenance Hours
Recording Maintenance Hours
Agistees are responsible for recording their family maintenance hours on the Facebook page:
Whipper Snipping Around Grounds
Whipper Snipping Around Grounds
Members choosing to whipper snipper do so at their own risk and should always use their own safety equipment.
Areas that require constant whipper snippering are below and include all areas that the mower or slasher can't do:
- Under trees with big roots like at front driveway
- Under fence line or posts
- Gully area near front gate on Hendra side as too steep for mower.
- Mound with brick wall near dressage arena and pedestrian area (old loading ramp)
- Around floats, round yards and all feedyards.
- Rocky areas or muddy areas where mower or slasher cannot reach.
- Logs in paddocked used for jumps or in parking area.
- Around cross country jumps.

Tree or Bush Trimming
Tree or Bush Trimming
Members choosing to tree or bush trim do so at their own risk and should always use their own safety equipment.
Areas that require constant trimming are below:
- Hedges around canteen front area.
- Trees above side of canteen to not touch roof.
- Trees in canteen yard cut to above head height.
- Tree at front gate on Hendra side so floats and trucks can entry and exit grounds.
- Over hanging trees around grounds cut to head height of riders eg: gully back fence etc.
- Along side fence to houses in front yards on Hendra side.
- Side of bridge on Nudgee Road for safe viewing for crossing the bridge.

Weed Spraying
Weed Spraying
Members choosing to weed spray do so at their own risk. Always read the safety leaflet, follow directions to avoid poisoning and use your own safety equipment. No children under the age of 18 should be involved in this task.
Weeds need to be sprayed, but we do not want the grazing grass killed, check with a grounds officer prior to spraying so safety precautions for the horses can be put in place if necessary. Some poisons have no grazing periods, and it may not fit into schedule of paddock rotation at the time.
Areas that require spraying with Round up "which kills grass":
- Borders of paddock fences to stop weeds and grass over growing up fences eg: chain mess fence, barbwire or steel fence.
- Around the bottom of all posts eg: dressage arena, SJ arena, canteen, fixed cross country jumps, edge of round yards, or areas that can not be reached by mower or tractor.
Areas that require spot treatment in grazing areas eg: Broadside, Kamba, Grazon etc.
- Only spray the weed. Certain weeds can only be killed by particular poisons.
- Using a cup over the end of a spray wand to reduce the spray spread will ensure you target the weed only and will reduce the amount of weed spray needed.
- Use of weed wands are highly recommended as individual plants can be simply painted with the weed treatment and there is no overspray.
Rocks and Hole Filling
Rocks and Hole Filling
As the grounds are on top of an old dump, rocks and debris will continue to come through to the top, for several years to come.
Rocks can be used to fill pot holes in south paddock access road and any hoof holes that may appear in both paddocks, where horses have walked in the mud. Dirt will also need to be placed in some of these hoof holes so horses do not twist a leg or a horse trip and a rider come off.
If you find a rock or piece of metal stuck in the ground which is higher than the ground and grass, it will need to be dug out and if a hole is left, fill it with smaller stones and spare dirt.
Note: If you see a large hole appear anywhere at the club you must report it to a Committee member immediately.

Manure Collection
Manure Collection
The sale of manure is a significant revenue raising activity of the club, with annual sales being in excess of $4,000. This ongoing revenue stream contributes to the ability of our club to purchase and maintain equipment for the use and enjoyment of all members.
Agistees are required to fulfill a weekly quota of 5 (variable to ensure manure is removed as per our lease obligattions) filled manure bags. These bags are to be stacked as directed by the manure officer (location may change from time to time). Every Friday afternoon, the Manure count and check manure bags. Manure bags are to be taken out the front by whomever is rostered for monthly duties.
A reminder that you are responsible for the upkeep of the feed yard allocated to you. Unallocated yards can be used by all agistees if needed, however manure should be removed when you take your horse out.
If you put your horse into the round yard, or dressage arena, or in one of the front yards for a period, the manure needs to be cleaned up morning and night.

Monthly Roster
Monthly Roster
Each agistee will be rostered to perform duties within a nominated month. Chores to be completed within this month include:
Check water troughs and any bath tubs being used daily for birds and other animals.
Ensure a stick or lattice is left in tubs so birds can get out instead of drowning and rotting the water.
Empty and clean bath tubs weekly.
Clean sides of cement troughs and check for leaks.
Rubbish bins are to be put out on the curb on Wednesday afternoons.
Rubbish bin are to be brought in on Thursday afternoons.
(There is a $100 fine per bin, if left out for more than 48 hours by Council and the club will pass any fines onto the rostered family responsible.)Manure bags are to be put out for sale once a week in consultation with the Manure Officer.
2 hours grounds maintenance (mowing, whipper snipping, weedspraying, etc - where ever most needed
Advise Grounds Officer on tasks completed.