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Hendra Pony Club
Hendra Pony Club
Since 1959
Showjumping Grading Cards System
Showjumping Grading Cards System
The grading card system for Showjumping changed as of 2016.
To compete in official classes you must have a grading card, this now includes 12 & Under and 10 & Under.
For all events you choose your jumping height
If you wish to get your horse registered please email forms to our Club Secretary so we can get them to PCQ and hopefully get your grading cards back quickly so you can get out and compete.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Club Secretary.
Application to Register a Horse
Application to Register a Horse
Revised Showjumping
Revised Showjumping
Revised Showjumping for Combined Training
Revised Showjumping for Combined Training
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