Hendra Pony Club
Hendra Pony Club
Since 1959
Nominations for events and competitions
Nominations for events and competitions
Most clubs and all Zone events (including State and teams events) now have provision for online payment for nominations. Information regarding online nominations procedures is provided on event programs (procedures differ between events). Members are to make their own nominations for all events offering online nominations.
Some clubs still host events that require a club cheque to accompany the nominations form and in such cases members need to email our Nominations Officer at least 3 days prior to the event cut off date for nominations, so a club cheque can be raised and a club nominations form completed with all rider information. The email must contain all relevant information, e.g. Riders Name, Class, Horses Name, Age Group and any stabling or camping requirements, etc. Information must be sent to hpc.nominations@outlook.com
All nominations requiring a club cheque must be pre-paid. Note if any Agisting members owe money to HPC, their nomination will not be accepted until all moneys are paid in full. Members are reminded to include a suitable reference in their payment, ie; .