Hendra Pony Club
Hendra Pony Club
Since 1959
- Emergency Plan
- Horse Health and Participant Declarations. A letter box has been installed at the main entry gate into the show jumping arena for Declarations. A Dec must be completed and placed in the letterbox for all visiting (non-agisting) member horses.
- Please ensure you lock the front gates if you are last to leave at any time. The gate(s) must be locked if members are not on the grounds.
- Smoking is NOT permitted at our grounds.
- A sublease has been signed with the Nundah Community Enterprises Corporation (NCEC), Parks & Maintenance Division and registered with the Brisbane City Council (as our landlord). The big green two bay garage behind the club house belongs to NCEC. Their sub-lease provides for access to the grounds and the toilet facilities (the attached Code of Conduct for Users has also been signed). NCEC will normally only access their garage early morning and late afternoon (Monday to Friday).
- Non-agisting members, who have paid the grounds access levy ($200), are able to access the grounds and have full use of the facilities at any time.
- Agistment at the Hendra Pony Club is restricted to 1 ridden horse per active member which has been approved by the committee. Agisting members are not permitted to swap horses in and out of the grounds (agisted horses are individually approved at all times).
- Horse entry and socialization requirements exist (including vaccination and worming). A quick summary regarding socialization is below. More information can be found in our Agistment Regulations. Please see the contacts list for our current Agistment Coordinator.
- Teenage and Associate riders are asked to ensure they set a good example for our younger riders. Juniors/beginners learn from watching others and will quickly pick up poor attitudes/riding behaviors from older/more experienced riders. Following the rules and being considerate of others ensures everyone has equal rights and a high standard of safety is encouraged.
- All members 16yrs and under MUST be closely supervised while riding (and especially when jumping) including on school holidays. Close adult supervision is a safety necessity; it enables an adult to be there if something happens and stops younger riders making bad decisions on their own, especially with regard to jump heights. Close adult supervision = parent or supervising adult within 50meters, actively watching the rider. Punitive action may be taken against members 16yrs and under if they are seen riding on our grounds without close adult supervision.
- Arena lights are available for use free of charge for members, if you are unsure of how to operate the lights please ask a Committee member.
- Our water utilities bill is one of our most costly expenses. Everyone must take care to conserve water, for example watering yards and washing out floats is prohibited. The committee recommends that hose fittings be used to ensure water is NOT left running while washing horses (or at any time). Please report water leaks and any problems urgently to your groundsman.
- Horses must have a bit in their mouth at all times when being ridden outside of musters/events at HPC. We have followed PCA advice for many years on this issue and it is a safety consideration for riders. The new PCQ ruling (2018) regarding bitless bridles must be followed if any member wishes to ride at musters/events using a bitless bridle (ie; formal approval from PCQ will need to be provided). Bitless bridles are NOT permitted outside of musters/events.
- Vehicles should not be driven on the paddocks unless being used for club purposes, and vehicles must NOT be driven on the paddocks when they are wet - tyre tracks can become a riding hazard. Please stay on the access track as much as possible.
- The speed limit at the club needs to be kept low due to the number of children agisting at our grounds, Speed limits apply at all times and also help reduce the amount of dust blown around during dry periods. Special care must be taken in low light (ie; winter afternoons) and after dark. Vehicles must be kept below 20km on the access track and walking pace only around the feedyards.
- Any equipment taken from storage must be returned to storage asap (especially if it could be affected by wet weather). Leaving equipment out in the sun/rain can and will result in damage, also grass will die if items are left in place for too long (ie; the blue barrels or bending poles).
- Arena's will be closed from time to time, either due to upcoming events, or due to weather conditions, or grounds maintenance activities. Advice will be via our members only facebook page.
Anti Harassment rules apply:
All Members who have joined the club have also agreed to abide by the Anti Harassment policy for PCQ. There will be no tolerance towards harassment either by email phone or in person.
A lot of club photos are on http://www.dropshots.com/ - if you are a financial member you can ask for the password to gain access, just contact Terri.
Arena Lighting
Update: As from June 2018 use of the arena lights will be free for members. Keys for the lights are accessible from the clubhouse key kitty. Members are asked to ensure they make use of the lights carefully (ie; do not turn on carpark or paddock lighting and do not leave them on when they're no longer needed).
Previous costs:
- Whole arena (ie; 4 lights) x 1 hr = $24.00, or 1/2hr = $12.00
- Half the arena (ie; 2 lights) x 1 hr = $12.00, or 1/2hr = $6.00
Previously a minimum of 1/2 an hour was chargeable and the lights could only be booked in groups of either 2 or 4 (ie; the whole arena or 1/2 the arena).