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Monthly Muster:  November

Our November muster is traditionally our last muster of the year and as in previous years riders will enjoy a few hours at Nudgee Beach at low tide.  Tide information will determine when we ride, and information will be posted on our members facebook page.  Members are encouraged to share floats (as parking can be problematic).

Date:  Sunday November 27th

Start time:  tba

Lead Instructor:  Sophia Szekeres


Our site specific COVID Plan can be accessed here: HPC-COVID-PLAN

Venue Check-in Information: HPC utilizes the Qld State Government's QR Code process which enables individuals to easily register their attendance as per the protocols required on the day.   The PCQ Participant and Horse Health Declaration form is mandatory for any horse entering our grounds for competition or training.

Competitive events and monthly musters at Hendra - 2022

Zone Teams Sporting  - July 17th 

Chris Wagner Memorial Open Sporting Day - September 11th


January 27th - Welcome to HPC 2022, Quiz, PCQ information incl; PCQ CI Medals and groundwork/natural horsemanship

February 26th - Night muster - Polocrosse and pairs riding

March 20th - Nick Kiss Horsemanship (ground handling, boundaries, teaching flexion and bend on the ground, also some ridden work, creating confidence and bond between horse and rider.

April 24th - Joint Muster with Southside PC.  Poles Clinic and jumping, plus rein-drill & junior handler prep for Zone 1 JF McGill

May 22nd - Formal Points and Ribbon Day, and Sporting Records Day

June 19th - Showjumping and Dressage Points/Ribbon Day

July 24th - Joint muster with Northern Suburbs PC.  Cross Country and Target Challenge @ NSPC

August 28th - Sporting muster Chris Wagner Memorial practice day

September 25th - Showjumping clinic

October 23rd - Joint muster with Southside PC (events tba) @ Southside

November 27th - Trail Ride or Nudgee Beach Ride 

Community Living Australia (CLA) and the Nundah Community Enterprises Cooperative (NCEC): Re-gen Project

This rolling 6 monthly project is funded by the Queensland State Government's Skilling Queenslanders for Work Program. Working in groups of up to 18, new migrants and disadvantaged members of our community have the chance to learn a raft of garden maintenance skills, make local contacts and friends, improve their English language, and earn Cert II in Horticulture.

Candidates have, over the past 4 years, cleared much of our gully (removing invasive weeds such as castor oil, lantana, asparagus fern and blue heliotrope), undertaken hours of mowing and whipper snipping, cutting back trees, building gardens, beautifying our grounds and have obtained numerous certificates including 1st aid, small machine maintenance, WH&S, PPE, fire extinguisher usage and many others.

We wish the current team every success in the continued battle to remove weeds and improve our grounds/pasture, and we very much look forward to your results. We also wish all the candidates every success with gaining employment at the end of the program.

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